Package-level declarations


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One of the default dark themes available in Carbon. This theme uses Grey 100 as the global background color.

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enum Layer : Enum<Layer>

Layering tokens are explicit tokens used to manually map the layering model onto components. Layering tokens come in predefined sets that coordinate with the different layer levels. For each layer that a component needs to lives on, a separate component variation must be built using the tokens from that layer set.

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abstract class Theme

Themes are used to modify existing components to fit a specific visual style. By using Carbon’s tokens, developers can easily customize all of their components by changing a set of universal variables, eliminating the need to modify individual components.

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One of the default light themes available in Carbon. This theme uses white as the global background color.


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A staticCompositionLocalOf that provides a Carbon inline Theme, usually used for components that need to be themed differently from the rest of the app, such as UI Shell components.

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A staticCompositionLocalOf that provides a Layer token. Layering tokens are explicit tokens used to manually map the layering model onto components.

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fun CarbonLayer(content: @Composable () -> Unit)

Automatically provides an upper layer to the composition, based on the current layer.

fun CarbonLayer(layer: Layer, content: @Composable () -> Unit)

Provides a Layer to following composition.

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Applies a background color to the modifier based on the current Layer.